Place(s) Space(s)

New // Upcoming film

Place(s) Space(s) - Premiere in Renaissance 2.0 biennial in Geneva, Switzerland, from February 11 to March 9, 2025.

”With this new project entitled Place(s) Space(s) part of the Renaissance 2.0 exhibition, Pascal Greco offers a poetic journey inside a fantasized video game. Place(s) Space(s) is conceived as a work that questions dichotomies such as notions of space/place, the sensory perceptions we have when playing a video game, the possible mise en abyme of the virtual in a film narrative, the limits of visual arts and what artificial intelligence can offer as solutions. The original soundtrack is composed by the talented artist r beny. Place(s) Space(s) is inspired by Greco’s earlier in-game photography project and book Place(s).”

Renaissance 2.0 is a collective transdisciplinary exhibition that features 7 collaborative installations and more than 20 different concerts, performances, workshops and discussions around the question of perception of “reality” in our era of technological advancement in the fields of artificial intelligence. Artists and researchers from different disciplines unite their practices, knowledge and imaginations to unveil new paradigms, methodologies and provide some creative answers to the questions we are all asking today.

The film is co-produced by SZKMD production as part of the Renaissance 2.0 exhibition. With the support of the City of Geneva, the Pôle de création numérique, the Loterie Romande and the Leenaards Foundation.