Nice paper in Le Temps concerning my new film Place(s) Spaces(s) which is presented as part of the Renaissance 2.0 biennial in Le Commun in Geneva, until March 9.

Poster of my new film Place(s) Space(s) which is presented in Premiere as part of the RENAISSANCE 2.0 biennial, from February 11 until March 9, in Le Commun, Geneva.

I am pleased to present in Premiere my new project Place(s) Space(s) during the biennial RENAISSANCE 2.0, from February 11 until March 9, in Le Commun, Geneva. Image of the poster taken from my project.

Article about my film SOMNIA in the nice magazine MAGMAH.
My new film INSOMNIA will only be available via the vinyl of the soundtracks of SOMNIA and INSOMIA, published by labels Urgence Disk and Chambre Noire, through a QR code inside of it. Full article here.
- Release of the vinyl on 02.12.24 in Switzerland and 25.03.25 in France.

My film SOMNIA and my new film INSOMNIA with their beautiful soundtracks by Goodbye Ivan - Release of the vinyl of the OST on 02.12 ins Switzerland and 25.03.25 in France (with INSOMNIA only available on a QR code in the vinyl) - in La Tribune de Genève.

Article in La Liberté about my films and their OST, by Goodbye Ivan, SOMNIA and INSOMNIA and the vinyle that we release on labels Urgence Disk and Chambre Noire (with the film INSOMNIA only available on a QR code in the vinyl).
Release of the vinyl on 02.12 in Switzerland and 25.03.25 in France. Full article here

Our projet Mémoires that we made with the Collective ELAN that I created with Radhia Chappot-Habbes and especially with 3 populations from different backgrounds, will be presented November 28 & 29 at 19h30 (sold out) at La Comédie de Genève

Our projet projet ELAN with our play Mémoires in La Tribune de Genève. Full article here.

Presentation, November 30, of the documentary Nos histoires I directed on our two last projects, with our Collective ELAN that I created with Radhia Chappot-Habbes, that we presented at La Comédie de Genève, Gulliver, les autres voyages in 2022 and Nos Contes in 2023.

French premiere of the 3 films I directed in Hong Kong - KWAI SHING WEST ESTATE, Hong Kong Neon and Stun - on November 10 at Close Up Festival in Paris, followed by a Q&A. 2:30 pm at the Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine.
Looking forward to seeing you.

I am please to present, in preview, my upcoming film INSOMNIA as part of the biennial Dance First Think Later :
- 15.10 - 19h - Cinémas du Grütli, Geneva
- 28.10 - 18h30 - Le Cinématographe, Lausanne

Glad to be part of the new edition of La Nuit des images, on June 22, at Photo Elysée with a new photographic project called Urbain Altéré, more info here.

Nice article in 20 minutes about my project Urbain Altéré that will be presented at Photo Elysée during La Nuit des Images on June 22. Full article here.

It is with pleasure that I announce my new collaboration and exhibition, CASA 家, with Gabriel Mauron, from June 25 to 30 at Galerie Ruine in Geneva.
An architectural connection between southern Italy (Salento) and Hong Kong carried by two distinct photographic projects. More info here

My new book & film KWAI SHING WEST ESTATE in Phroom.
Release date in Europe September 25. Full article here.

My new book & film KWAI SHING WEST ESTATE in 24 heures. Full article here.

My new book & film KWAI SHING WEST ESTATE in ArchDaily.
Release date in Europe September 25. Full article here.

My upcoming film KWAI SHING WEST ESTATE will have an avant-première
in Geneva at les Cinémas du Grütli on March 7 at 19h. More info here.

My upcoming film KWAI SHING WEST ESTATE have been selected for the Festival Ecrans Urbains - 21-25 February 2024.
The stunning original soundtrack was composed by the talented Lea Bertucci.

My upcoming film KWAI SHING WEST ESTATE have been selected for the Solothurn Film Festival - 17-24 January 2024.

Pascal Greco x MAH
The MAH - Museum of Art and History Geneva offered my a carte blanche to make a film. SOMNIA was released in free access on November 21 on YouTube

Nice moment on the radio show Super Flux on Couleur 3 to talk about my 2 exhibitions and my upcoming film SOMNIA. The interview here

Our projet Nos Contes that we made with the Collective ELAN that I created with Radhia Chappot-Habbes and especially with 3 populations from different backgrounds, will be presented June 6 at 20h (sold out) at La Comédie de Genève

I am pleased to be part of the next edition of Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography with my work Place(s) with new images, from 5.05 to 28.05.2023. More info here

I am glad to be part of the upcoming group exhibition Techno-mondes with my new work Nouveaux Territoires created for this exhibition. From April 27 to October 1, 2023, in Lausanne.

“The Techno-mondes exhibition brings together four artists from Switzerland – Camille Scherrer, Matthieu Gafsou, Catherine Leutenegger and Pascal Greco – to imagine technological and digital worlds.
How to think digital today in the era of the rapid development of artificial intelligence? How does technological innovation reinvent our relationship to reality? What images of the world do technological tools offer? What worlds can we envision?”

I am pleased to be part of the group exhibition Hyperscapes - Virtual Landscape as a Place of Desire? with my work Place(s), from 24.11.22 to 29.01.23, in Kornhausforum in Bern.

”The idea of nature awakens in us a desire for relaxation, originality and space. When we look at the landscape, we see a scenic space designed from nature, a cultural construct. We look at a place that we perceive aesthetically and thus influence it. In digital spaces, the exercise of influence reaches its climax: in video games or in the metaverse, landscapes are built on the model of nature, as we want them to be. This exhibition allows visitors to embark on a journey of discovery through virtual landscapes and video games.”

Photomode : Out there in games is an exhibition of photographs taken inside the video gaming worlds created by Ubisoft studio. It showcases the original work of four artists – Mélanie Courtinat (FR), Pascal Greco (CH), Will Saunders (US) and Ken Sheely (US) – created as part of a ‘carte blanche’ along with that of 20 player-photographers, selected by a jury of professionals following a contest open to all.”
From 17.11.22 to 20.11.22 at Ideal Glass Studios in New York.

My new outdoor exhibition In-Game photography, with photographs from my book Place(s), from June 17 to July 17 in Plan-les-Ouates, Geneva. With vp Petri Levälathi.
I took the image of the poster in the game Death Stranding.

With journalist Marion Bargiacchi, for the newspaper Ouest France, we had a passionate conversation about in-game photography and video games. Full article here

Article in Le Nouvel Obs about my book Place(s) and in-game photography with other photographer. Full article here

Nice interview I had with Laurent Dormond on the radio show Samedi chez vous on La 1ère - RTS about in-game photography and my new outdoor exhibition. The interview here

In Place(s) and the in-game photography enter in the museum. Full article here

Article in Telerama about my book Place(s) and in-game photography with other photographer. Full article here

I had a great moment & exchange with the journalists of the radio show Point Barre on Couleur3 about my book Place(s), the in-game photography, my live performance at the CPG and my upcoming exhibition. The video here

I’m glad to annonouce a special in-game photography event at the Centre de la Photographie Genève on the Nuit des Musées (21.5.2022). During a live performance, I will explore the game Death Stranding and photograph virtual landscapes within its architecture. As we spend more and more time in virtual environements, our relationship to these spaces are increasingly documented and questioned by photographers, transforming the very practice of photography.

During the evening, the audience will be able to win a NFT that will be produced during the performance. If you're not in Geneva, you'll be able to follow the event on the (newly created) CPG Twitch channel. More info here

Our film SHADOW in the magazine Numéro, for its release in free access on Vimeo, with an interview of Asia Argento who plays in our film with his daughter Anna-Lou Castoldi. Full article here

The 12:45 from the TV-News RTS (the Swiss national TV chanel) invited Philippe Pellaud & I to speak about our film SHADOW with Asia Argento that will be released on free acces on March 27 at 7pm on my Vimeo channel. You can see the interview here

SHADOW the film that I codirected with Philippe Pellaud, with Asia Argento and Anna Lou Castoldi, will be released in free access on Vimeo on March 27 at 8pm

Les Inrocks talk about my book Place(s). Full article here

Place(s) in double page in Libération.
- Book launch in Paris on 17 February at the bookstore Le Grand Jeu, from 6pm to 8pm. Full article here

Place(s) in Wired Italy with some other artists linked to video games. Full article here

Creative Review talks about my new book Place(s). Full article here
The book will be released in France on 20 January.

Full page about my new book Place(s) in La Liberté.

I am pleased to announce the world premiere of my new film Kwai Shing West Estate at the GIFF, Geneva International Film Festival, in collaboration with the Mapping Festival, on November 14 at Théâtre Pitoëff in Geneva.
Lea Bertucci a very talented composer and musician, who made the soundtrack of my film, will play it in live during the screening.
Tickets for the show here

Place(s) in Blick. Full article here

Vernissage of my new book Place(s) and Talk, on October 22 at Centre de la Photographie Genève. A discussion around the project will be held with Danae Panchaud, the new director of the CPG, in which we will discuss, in-game photography, Iceland, video games in our visual culture.
The book published by Chambre Noire and designed by Ann Griffin will be released on October 25 in Switzerland, on January 27, 2022 in France.

Article about in-game photography and my new book Place(s) in Le Temps.

Article about my new book Place(s) in 24 Heures. Full article here

Vice talks about my project and upcoming book Place(s). Full article here

I have the pleasure to announce you the forthcoming publication of my new project Place(s). The release of the book in Switzerland is on October 25.

It will be presented at Fotomuseum Winterthur on September 11 as part of one of the first major exhibitions dedicated to in-game photography: "How to Win at Photography - Image-Making as Play".
On this occasion I will discuss my work with the curator of the exhibition, Marco de Mutiis, who also signs an interview in the book.

For CNN I spoke, through my book Hong Kong Neon, about the incredible and emblematic neon signs of Hong Kong which are unfortunately disappearing. Also in the article, Cardin Chan from Tetra Neon Exchange who makes a remarkable work fighting to preserve some of them. Full article here

My book Hong Kong - Perspectives, Prospectives, Typologies on Panorama. Full article here

My two works & books Hong Kong - Perspectives, Prospectives, Typologies and Hong Kong Neon on Espazium. Full article here

Article about my book Hong Kong Neon in Fisheye. Full article here

In The Guardian, a gallery with my Polaroids from my upcoming book Hong Kong Neon. Full gallery here

Fast Company talks about my upcoming book Hong Kong Neon. Full article here

Article in Monocle about my upcoming book Hong Kong Neon.

Vice France talks about my upcoming book Hong Kong Neon. Full article here